姓 名:王雷
学 历:博士 职 称:副教授 院系部门:农学院 专 业:食品科学与工程 联系方式: E-mail:freshair928@163.com |
- β-氨基丁酸诱导甜樱桃采后抗病性的细胞机制研究(31601521),国家自然科学基金
- β-氨基丁酸诱导水果采后抗病性提高和延缓果实衰老机制研究(318051535),BETVlCTOR登录网站高层次博士启动项目
- 微波膨化山楂脆片的加工工艺研究(J16LF61),山东省高等学校科技计划项目
- 甜菜碱对果实采后冷害调控及其机制研究(31371862),国家自然科学基金面上项目
- 活性氧在鲜切果蔬酚类物质合成积累中的信号作用研究(31471632),国家自然科学基金面上项目
- Wang L.,Jin P., Wang J., Jiang L.L., Zhang S.R., Gong H.S., Liu H.X., Zheng Y.H. (2015). In vitro inhibition and in vivo induction of defense response against Penicillium expansum in sweet cherry fruit by postharvest applications of Bacillus cereus AR156[J]. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 101, 15-17. (SCI收录)
- Wang L.,Jin P., Wang J., Jiang L.L., Shan T.M., Zheng Y.H. (2015). Effect of β-aminobutyric acid on cell wall modification and senescence in sweet cherry during storage at 20 oC. Food chemistry, 175, 471-477. (SCI收录)
- Wang L., Jin P., Wang J., Jiang L.L., Shan T.M., Zheng Y.H. (2015). Methyl jasmonate primed defence responses against Penicillium expansum in sweet cherry fruit[J]. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 33(5): 1464-1471. (SCI收录)
- Wang L., Wang J., Jin P., Gong H.S., Zhang S.R., Zheng Y.H. (2015). Hot air treatment induces resistance against blue mold decay caused by Penicillium expansum in sweet cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) fruit[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 189: 74-80. (SCI收录)
- Wang, L., Zhang, H., Jin, P., Guo, X., Li, Y., Fan, C., & Zheng, Y. (2016). Enhancement of storage quality and antioxidant capacity of harvested sweet cherry fruit by immersion with β-aminobutyric acid[J]. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 118, 71-78. (SCI收录)
- 王 雷,张 华,张蕾蕾,王 会,金 鹏,郑永华. 甜樱桃采后热空气处理抑制青霉病的工艺优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(6):295-300.(EI收录)
- Jiang L, Jin P, Wang L, Yu X, Wang H, Zheng Y. Methyl jasmonate primes defense responses against Botrytis cinerea and reduces disease development in harvested table grapes[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 192: 218-223.
- Wang X.L., Wang L., Wang J., Jin P., Zheng Y.H. (2014) Bacillus cereus AR156-induced resistance to Colletotrichum acutatum is associated with priming of defense responses in loquat fruit[J]. PLoS one. 9, e112494. (SCI收录)
- Jin P., Duan Y., Wang L., Wang J., Zheng Y.H. (2014). Reducing Chilling Injury of Loquat Fruit by Combined Treatment with Hot Air and Methyl Jasmonate[J]. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1-8. (SCI收录)
- Jin P., Zhu H., Wang L., Shan T., Zheng Y.H. (2014). Oxalic acid alleviates chilling injury in peach fruit by regulating energy metabolism and fatty acid contents[J]. Food chemistry, 161, 87-93. (SCI收录)
- Han C, Li J, Jin P, Li X, Wang L,Zheng Y. The effect of temperature on phenolic content in wounded carrots[J]. Food chemistry, 2017, 215: 116-123. (SCI收录)
- 张红印,王雷,姜松, 等.热水处理对草莓采后病害的抑制作用及对贮藏品质的影响[ J] . 农业工程学报, 2007, 23( 8): 270- 273. (EI收录)
- .一种枇杷果实纳米包装复合植物精油处理保鲜方法,ZL 201410289256.9